Placement and Maintenance of Peripheral Insertion Central Catheter, in pediatric patients of the Hospital de Niños Santísima Trinidad de Córdoba,1/1/2019 to 31/12/2020


  • Estela Salvático Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.
  • Nilda Cecilia Chávez Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.
  • Olga del Valle Oliva Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.
  • Solange Prado Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.



Access, venous, peripheral, percutaneous, pediatrics, complications, nursing


Pediatric patients with prolonged hospitalization and complex pathologies require a reliable and long-lasting venous route, the most useful and effective procedure being the placement of a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC), due to its stability. Replacement is less frequent and its use is more comfortable in these patients. The objective was to describe clinical and technical aspects of the effective placement and maintenance of PICC in Pediatric patients of the Hospital de Niños Santísima Trinidad de Córdoba, in the period 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2020. The study was descriptive, cross-sectional , retrospective, which includes, in the universe, 85 patients who actually had the PICC placed, not taking a sample because this universe is small. The main findings indicate that in the children in whom this technique was used, 32.5% were patients hospitalized for Cystic Fibrosis, followed by 31% for Acute Abdomen and the rest for other pathologies. The prevailing age was 6 to 10 years, 41.5%. In relation to where it was implemented, the largest number of PICCs were placed in the general boarding school 67%, followed by the ICU with 29.5% and lastly the Critical Care Unit with 2%. Regarding vascular integrity, of the patients at the time of PICC placement, the regular one predominated, with 47%. Regarding durability, we determined that the longest duration was 67 days, with a general average of between 11 and 20 days of 56%. Being the main reason for catheter removal, having completed the treatment 78%; the complications that appeared were: occlusion 8%, phlebitis 5.5%, rupture 5.5%, accidental extraction 3%. The prevalent puncture site was the basilic vein, with 78% and the catheter tip was located in the superior vena cava in 95%, the number of punctures required for its placement was 74.5% for one puncture. Regarding the diameter of the catheter, the following were used: 3-french 79.5%, 4-french 15.5% and 2-french 5%. Being 96% polyurethane material. and double lumens 87%.


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Author Biographies

Estela Salvático, Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.

Lic en enfermería, Enfermera de UCI


ORCID  0000-0002-2967-2906

Nilda Cecilia Chávez, Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.

Lic. en enfermería. Enfermera de UCI   

Olga del Valle Oliva, Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.

Lic. en enfermería. Supervisora de Enfermería

Solange Prado, Hospital de Niños de la Santísima Trinidad, Córdoba Argentina.

Lic. en enfermería. Jefa del Departamento de Enfermería


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Aditya Badheka 1, Jodi Bloxham 2, abril schmitz 2, Bárbara Freyenberger 2, Ton Wang 3, Sankeerth Rampa 4, jennifer turi 5, Veerasathpurush Allareddy 6, marcelo auslender 2, Veerajalandhar Allareddy 2Resultados asociados con catéteres centrales insertados periféricamente en niños hospitalizados: una experiencia retrospectiva de 7 años en un solo centro PMID: 31444177 PMCID: PMC6707696



How to Cite

Salvático, E., Chávez, N. C., Oliva, O. del V., & Prado, S. (2023). Placement and Maintenance of Peripheral Insertion Central Catheter, in pediatric patients of the Hospital de Niños Santísima Trinidad de Córdoba,1/1/2019 to 31/12/2020. Notas De Enfermería, 24(41), 67–74.



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