
  • Rocío Belén Arbuello Hospital Eloísa Torrent de Vidal
  • María de los Milagros Amarilla Hospital Escuela José de San Martin
  • María Florencia Dellamea Argentina. Corrientes. Ministerio de Salud
  • Luz Selene Bohos Osorio Hospital José Ramón Vidal
  • Mónica Auchter UNNE. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste. Facultad de Medicima
  • Fernando Gómez UNNE. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste. Facultad de Medicima




adolescents, child development, maternity, premature


Objective: Describe the expectations of adolescent mothers regarding the development of their premature children assisted in a public maternity hospital in Corrientes capital, year 2022. Methodology: quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional; population: adolescent mothers with premature children hospitalized in neonatology; data collection through validated form. Results: 62 adolescent mothers were studied; ages 13 to 19 years, mean 17±1.6; 73% late adolescents. Regarding their ideas regarding gross motor development, only 31% had adequate expectations to the evolutionary calendar. In ideas about walking ability, 32% expressed adequate expectations. According to age group, ideas about walking ability were adequate in 18% of early adolescents and 46% of late adolescents. The ability to run did not show important differences between the early and late ones. About sphincter control, 29% of early adolescents had adequate expectations and 33% in late ones. In fine motor development, 45% of the mothers had adequate expectations, without showing significant differences according to maternal age groups. In the ability to stack cubes, 35% of early adolescents had ideas appropriate to the calendar and it was 29% of late adolescents. Regarding language, 36% of the mothers had adequate expectations; with 21% in the early ones and 35% in the late ones. About syllabication, adequate ideas in 18% in early adolescents and 24% in late adolescents. Regarding affective development, 48% of the mothers expressed adequate ideas; which reached 23% in the early ones and 58% in the late ones. Conclusion: a large part of adolescent mothers have inadequate expectations for the development of their premature children, intertwined with ideas that are not adjusted to the evolutionary calendar. Expectations regarding gross, fine, language, and affective motor development vary according to maternal age groups, with ideas less adjusted to what should happen in early adolescents when compared to late adolescents.


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Author Biographies

Rocío Belén Arbuello, Hospital Eloísa Torrent de Vidal

María de los Milagros Amarilla, Hospital Escuela José de San Martin

Enfermera asistencial

María Florencia Dellamea, Argentina. Corrientes. Ministerio de Salud

Enfermera asistencial

Luz Selene Bohos Osorio, Hospital José Ramón Vidal

Enfermera asistencial

Mónica Auchter, UNNE. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste. Facultad de Medicima

Doctora en ciencias Sociales y Humanas. Profesora Titular

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9841-8613

Fernando Gómez, UNNE. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste. Facultad de Medicima

Profesor Titular. Facultad de Medicina. UNNE


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How to Cite

Arbuello, R. B., Amarilla, M. de los M., Dellamea, M. F., Bohos Osorio, L. S., Auchter, M., & Gómez, F. (2023). TEEN MOTHERS’ EXPECTATIONS ABOUT THEIR PREMATURE INFANT’S DEVELOPMENT. CORRIENTES 2022. Notas De Enfermería, 24(41), 75–84. https://doi.org/10.59843/2618-3692.v24.n41.41443



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