Invisible care in critical patients from the perspective of the nursing team


  • Franco Nicolás Giménez Hospital Alfredo Ítalo Perrupato



perception, nursing, invisible care, critical


Introduction: it is true that there are care that are clearly visible and in fact are recorded in the nursing records and clinical history. However, there are other care, commonly called invisible care. The latter are actions and care that most of the time are
intangible but that contribute to the welfare and improvement of people, as much or more than the technical and / or  delegated actions, directed to the physical / clinical plane of the patient. Objectives: To understand and interpret the invisible nursing care and its importance in the evolution of the critical patient in the Intensive Therapy service of the Alfredo Italo Perrupato Hospital, in the department of San Martín, Mendoza during the month of June 2019. Material and Method: qualitative phenomenological study. The population was given by nurses of the adult intensive care service. Saturation sampling. Open interviews were used in depth. The data was recorded manually and then a detailed analysis of the information was made. An explanatory informed consent was previously given to each respondent. Conclusions: The critical nurse plays a fundamental role during the stay of his patients, since his role involves many more things than just the technical procedures. This relationship requires not only scientific knowledge but also values and ethical care. The nurse is, by consideration, a good therapeutic companion, since he is able to be an educator, have an empathic attitude, exercise active listening, contain stressful situations, provide affection and be faithful to the needs of patients.


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Author Biography

Franco Nicolás Giménez, Hospital Alfredo Ítalo Perrupato

Licenciado en Enfermería. Especialista de Enfermería en el Cuidado de Paciente Crítico Diplomado en educación para profesionales de la salud. Servicio de Terapia Intensiva, San Martín, Mendoza, Argentina. 

Resumen del Trabajo Final Integrador Especialidad de Enfermería en el Cuidado de Paciente Crítico.


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How to Cite

Giménez, F. N. (2021). Invisible care in critical patients from the perspective of the nursing team. Notas De Enfermería, 21(38), 43–53.



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