Attitude of nursing on patients death in the unit critical care revisar


  • Gabriel Flores Sanatorio Allende
  • Roxana Castro Sanatorio Allende
  • Rafael Quipildor Sanatorio Allende



attitude, nursing, death, critical care


Abstract: Nursing professionals continually face the reality of other people's death, but often try to avoid the issue, ignoring it. In this regard, psychiatrist K. Eissler said: "What is difficult, to die or to witness death? To some this question may seem cynical or hypocritical however, it has its justification when maintaining intimate contact with the dying. " Accepting the death of the patient contradicts the essential objective of health professionals, which is to preserve health and life. But the nurse is the only professional that accompanies the patient and the family at that moment; "The function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or healthy, in the execution of those activities that contribute to their health or to their recovery or to avoid suffering at the time of death." In the following work it will be about the "care of the invisible", trying to interpret the subjective perspective, in this case, the experience of the nurses, the feelings and attitudes towards death and palliative care of the patient, and generate elements that allow a sociocultural explanation on the death of patients in intensive care units from a qualitative approach, relating it to the factors that condition them and the possibility of providing palliative care to it.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Flores, Sanatorio Allende

Lic en enfermería. Enfermero Jefe de la UTI

Roxana Castro, Sanatorio Allende

Lic en Enfermería.

Rafael Quipildor, Sanatorio Allende

Lic en enfermería. Enfermero de la UTI. (turno mañana)


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How to Cite

Flores, G., Castro, R., & Quipildor, R. (2019). Attitude of nursing on patients death in the unit critical care revisar. Notas De Enfermería, 19(34), 26–36.



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