Surgical Instrumentation in Bankart Injury Arthroscopic Procedure and Rotating Handle


  • César Perno Sanatorio Allende. Nueva Córdoba. Córdoba



bankart procedure, rotating handle, surgical instrumentation, capability


Summary: Introduction: Taking into account the variety of procedures that can be performed today with the arthroscope and according to the statistical numbers that are handled in the Allende Sanatorium, two arthroscopic surgeries will be described and the multidisciplinary work done in the operating room Objective: To review, establish and update the competencies of the surgical instrumentator in the arthroscopic procedure of Bankart and Rotator Cuff injuries. Type of study: exploratory and bibliographical, which was carried out during January 2016 to April 2017. Results: A total of 237 shoulder surgeries were performed during the study period of the present work in the Shoulder Department of the Allende Sanatorium, of which 70 corresponded to primary instability, instability and LatarJet surgeries; 154 to rotator cuff and rotator cuff revision surgery; And 13 belonged to acromioclavicular dislocation, Slap and superior capsule reconstruction. When the instrumentator prepares a complete surgical table, the success of the surgery is achieved and the number of interventions is increased. Conclusions: the knowledge of the instrumentator regarding the preparation of the surgery, as well as the surgical technique is of paramount importance because it will reduce the surgical time for the patient, providing benefits such as less anesthetic time, less stress and better time Of immediate recovery.


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Author Biography

César Perno, Sanatorio Allende. Nueva Córdoba. Córdoba

Instrumentador quirúrgico


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How to Cite

Perno, C. (2018). Surgical Instrumentation in Bankart Injury Arthroscopic Procedure and Rotating Handle. Notas De Enfermería, 17(30).



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