Use of complementary therapies to reduce body mass index in older people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.


  • Fernanda Cabezas González Universidad de O’Higgins Chile
  • Minerva Gálvez Donoso Universidad de O’Higgins Chile
  • Francisca Alcota Alcaíno Universidad de O’Higgins Chile
  • Consuelo Arce Palma Universidad de O’Higgins Chile
  • Milton Padilla Álvarez Universidad de O’Higgins Chile
  • Escarlet Martínez Vilche Universidad de O’Higgins Chile



cardiovascular diseases, yoga, overweight, weightloss, Tai Chi Chuan, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2


Cardiovascular diseases are determined by certain risk factors, the prevalence and synergy of which generates a certain cardiovascular risk that deteriorates the quality of life of those who suffer from it. Physical activity is considered a useful tool for reducing one of the most important risk factors, obesity, measured by the body mass index. However, not all human beings have the same physical capacities, therefore, exercise is restricted to them. It is in this sense that the following report is developed, which contemplates a systematic review that confronts two complementary therapies: yoga v/s Tai Chi, looking for the evidence that allows the recommendation of one of them for the decrease of BMI in elderly people with DM2. The articles were extracted from the academic platform PubMed, subjected to 3 search screens, and inclusion and exclusion criteria, resulting in obtaining 4 articles for analysis, from this observation it is obtained that the performance of yoga is beneficial for the decrease of the BMI to the index case. Therefore, the use of yoga complementary therapy is recommended, since it favors the reduction of BMI in patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases compared to Tai Chi complementary therapy.


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Author Biographies


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How to Cite

Use of complementary therapies to reduce body mass index in older people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus . (2023). Notas De Enfermería, 24(42), 77-84.