Elastomeric pump, application of cytostatics


  • Carolina Villagra Sanatorio Allende. Servicio de Oncohematología
  • Valeria Insaurralde Sanatorio Allende. Servicio de Oncohematología




elastomeric Pump, Application of cytostatics


Introduction. This space is about the use of elastomeric pumps in the administration of cytostatics of continuous infusion with cancer patients who receive intravenous treatment, of continuous infusion of qmt at home, thus improving the quality of life of the patient, (this experience is only in relation to to application of 5 fluorouracil). Material and method: At the beginning, the first dose of chemotherapy is carried out in the common boarding school to observe the tolerance to the medication, and in the second or third application it is carried out in the day hospital the first part of the scheme, and then the elastomeric pump is connected, which will infuse for 46 hours with 5 fluorouracil. The patient will attend the cancer hospital at hour 46 to perform the disconnection. Our nursing role of containment and training is necessary in order to ensure the proper handling of the device and provide safety to patients, so that they achieve autonomous, safe and effective care. For this purpose, an instruction manual is provided. Having an implantable catheter is a mandatory requirement for this modality; Benefits found: It is portable and ergonomic, Improves mobility and self-care, exact infusion rate. Safety features, including protection of the reservoir against possible damage; We decompressed hospitalizations, we reduced the wait for beds for patient admission. We reduced the use of common electric pumps in the internship, making them available for other hospitalized patients. Difficulties encountered: Lack of knowledge of the patient about the input (pump). Patient insecurity when being at home for the first  time. Bureaucratic procedures for authorization of the pump. Conclusion. This innovative implementation requires even more learning, we have the support of the Nursing Department and the head of the Oncology Day Hospital service, for the use of the pumps. For this experiment 10 elastomeric pumps were used. Practical experience, positive for the patient, he also commits himself to self-care and treatment, it is possible to avoid nosocomial exposures, thus minimizing the risks of contagion. We reduce the use of common electric pumps in the internship by being available for other patients who require it. We decompress
the common boarding school, thus allowing us to have more beds and greater fluidity to satisfy the demand for hospitalization of patients with other pathologies.


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Author Biographies

  • Carolina Villagra, Sanatorio Allende. Servicio de Oncohematología

    Licenciada en enfermería, enfermera de atención directa. Sede Cerro.

  • Valeria Insaurralde, Sanatorio Allende. Servicio de Oncohematología

    Licenciada en enfermería, Supervisora del turno mañana del Servicio de internación general. Sede Cerro


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How to Cite

Elastomeric pump, application of cytostatics. (2020). Notas De Enfermería, 20(36), 70-77. https://doi.org/10.59843/2618-3692.v20.n36.30848