Defatted peanut flour as a basis for bio-packaging for food preservation


  • C. G. Riveros National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. IMBIV-CONICET. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • M. P. Martin National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. IMBIV-CONICET. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • O. F. Camiletti National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. IMBIV-CONICET. Córdoba, Argentina.
  • A. Aguirre National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Exact Physical and Natural Sciences. ICYTAC-CONICET. Córdoba, Argentina
  • N. R. Grosso National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. IMBIV-CONICET. Córdoba, Argentina


Film, flour, peanuts, oxidative breakdown


The objective of the work was to develop a procedure to obtain a bio-film type film made from degreased peanut flour (HMD) in order to be used in the elaboration of a package that serves to preserve the quality of foods susceptible to oxidative deterioration, thus prolonging the shelf life of these products. Peanut flour obtained from blanched raw peanut kernels was used in the preparation of the films. The films were prepared according to the following composition: 95% distilled water, 4% HMD and 1% glycerol. For the packages, 19 cm × 9 cm and 9 cm × 9 cm pieces were cut and heat sealed. The films were used to produce food products: (a) sunflower seeds that were roasted at 150° C for 20 minutes before packaging and, sunflower oil. The following treatments were prepared: Roasted sunflower packed in polyethylene bag (GTC), Roasted sunflower packed in HM bag (GTHM), Roasted sunflower packed in high barrier bag (GTAB), Sunflower oil packed in polyethylene bag (GC), Sunflower oil packed in HM bag (GHM) and Sunflower oil packed in high barrier bag (GAB). The products were stored for 30 (sunflower seeds) and 67 (sunflower oil) days at 25 °C. Peroxide value (PI) and diene conjugate (DC) were evaluated. IP and DC were increased for all treatments during storage days. There were significant differences (α = 0.05) between treatments during storage. At the end of storage, GTC and GC presented the highest values of IP (25.45 and 39.18 mEqO2 Kg-1, respectively), GTAB and GAB had the lowest index (2.25 and 5.49 mEqO2 Kg-1, respectively). GTHM and GHM (20.00 and 9.24 mEqO2 Kg-1, respectively) had intermediate PI. Similar behavior was observed between DC and IP. Packaging made from peanut meal-based films (HMD) improves the chemical stability of roasted sunflower oil and sunflower seeds and extends their shelf life during storage.


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Reports of results/advances

How to Cite

Defatted peanut flour as a basis for bio-packaging for food preservation. (2020). Nexo Agropecuario, 7(2), 1-5.