New imaginary in farmacopornographyc´s times


  • Roberto Cordero Centro de día Psicoanalítico Número 4.


body contra-sexual, new imaginary, pharmacopornographic


The present work examines the treatment done in the work of Paul B. Preciado about the relationship between the imaginary register and the real, independent of its copulation with the symbolic. The imperative to jouissance and the fall of the Other in the pharmacopornographic order explodes the image of the Cartesian body, while at the same time makes possible new modes of jouissance that give consistency to the body. In this context, the contra-sexual practices are proposed as a field to investigate an imaginary that establishes meaning.


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Teoría y conceptos

How to Cite

New imaginary in farmacopornographyc´s times. (2018). Lapso, 3, 29-33.