Guidelines for authors


The MERCOSUR Nucleus of Studies and Research in Higher Education (NEIES - MERCOSUR) summons researchers, consultants, teachers and master's and doctoral students from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela to the presentation of articles of academic interest for publication in the Integración y Knowledge Magazine, in the following categories:
• dossier
• special dossier
• interviews
• experiences of academic work and knowledge production
• articles
• reports of experiences of regional integration in MERCOSUR
• book reviews
• event reviews

                                                        Semiannual periodicity magazine
                                   The reception, evaluation and publication process has NO cost
                                            The Journal is open access for the interested public


                                                       TO SHIP ITEMS, CONTACT:                                                                                              


This publication aims to promote a space for the debate of ideas about the strategic role of Higher Education institutions in regional integration processes, and at the same time to promote the production and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Higher Education in MERCOSUR.
All the writings that are submitted must be original and unpublished and fit into the themes
Higher Education and MERCOSUR, responding to the aforementioned categories.
The articles must be sent accompanied by the following letters:
Letter of originality
Cession of rights
Copyright notice
Originals should be sent in electronic format to:
E-mail subject: article for the journal and first and last name of author (s)

1) Articles (for Dossier, Special Dossier, Articles of call)
Articles must observe the characteristics of a popular science text, referring to theoretical or empirical research in the field of Higher Education in MERCOSUR.
Articles may be presented in both Spanish and Portuguese and in Microsoft Word word processor format. Articles in PDF format will not be accepted. The length of the articles will be between 15 and 20 pages. The delimited extension will include references, notes, bibliography, annexes and graphic elements.
Article structure:
1. Title of up to 8 words in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
2. Name of author (s).
3. ORCID registration number
4. Institution of origin of the author (s).
5. Email of the author (s).
6. Summary of up to 250 words in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
7. Three keywords in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
8. Introduction.
9. Body or development of work.
10. Conclusions.
11. Bibliography.
12. Notes or explanatory references.
13. Annexes.
* The ORCID registration must be done by the same author, entering the page for free:

2) Experiences of academic work and production of knowledge and Reports of experiences of regional integration in MERCOSUR
The writings of these sections will be presented by means of stories that recover the different initiatives, modalities, actions and objectives achieved in instances of integration and cooperation between academics, professionals, institutions and organizations within the MERCOSUR framework. It is expected that the stories are composed of a theoretical foundation, the description of the experience, the achievements and final reflections on the experience. The length of the stories will be up to 10 pages.
Story structure:
1. Title of up to 8 words in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
2. Name of author (s).
3. ORCID Registry.
4. Institution of origin of the author (s).
5. Email of the author (s).
6. Summary of up to 250 words in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
7. Three keywords in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
8. Body of work.
9. Bibliography.
10. Notes or explanatory references.
11. Annexes.
* The ORCID registration must be done by the same author, entering the page for free:

3) Book and event reviews
The proposed book and event reviews must be directly related to the subject matter of the magazine. They will have a minimum length of one page and a maximum of 4 pages and must be accompanied by the complete data of the book or event reviewed, as well as the data of the author of the review.
Review structure:
1. Technical file of the reviewed book / Complete data of the reviewed event.
2. Name of author (s).
3. ORCID Registry
4. Institution of origin of the author (s).
5. Email of the author (s).
6. Body of the review.
7. Bibliography.
8. Notes or explanatory references.
* The ORCID registration must be done by the same author, entering the page for free:

Body typeface: Time New Roman, size 12, justified text.
Titles and subtitles: they must be justified in Times New Roman font size 12, in capital letters and bold, leaving a single space between them and the text.
Page size: A4
Line spacing: 1.5.
Indentation: marked with the keyboard tab or 5 spaces.
Margins: 2 cm on all margins.
Text alignment: justified
Pages should not be numbered
If abbreviations are used, they should be explained only the first time they appear in the text.
The inclusion of tables and graphs must be incorporated into the text, as close to the place where they are mentioned. Avoid putting them as an annex.
They must have the necessary textual references, if applicable.
If the figures contain texts and symbols, make sure they are legible.
The digital format of the original figures, photographs and drawings must be in JPG, GIF or TIFF format (4961 x 3295 pixels or 2041 x 1356 pixels).
Do not use bullets or numbering generated by the word processor.
The notes mentioned in the body of the work should be included at the bottom of the page. Notes are required to present ordinary numbering, with the Time New Roman font size 8.
The bibliography must be made in alphabetical order, according to the authors' last name. If there is more than one text by the same author, it is placed in chronological order from the oldest to the newest.
In-text citations and bibliography should follow the style of the American Psychological Associations (APA) standards, latest version. (

Examples of in-text citations and bibliographic references
In-text citations:
• Quote: in quotation marks and indicate the page number from which it was extracted (Muñoz, 1993, p. 21)
If the quotation has more than 40 words, it should be written in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, aligned to the left and with a margin of 2.54 cm or 5 tabulator spaces. All citations must be double spaced.
• Non-textual citation: (Muñoz, 1993), (Muñoz & Pérez, 1993)
• Complete book: Surname, A. A. (Year). Qualification. City, Country: Editorial.
• Book with publisher: Surname, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Qualification. City, Country: Editorial.
• Book chapter: Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Book Title (pp. Xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial.
• Magazine article printed format: Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. and Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.
• Magazine articles online format: Surname, A. A. (Year). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp. Retrieved from http: / / www…
• Institution report: Name of the organization. (Year). Report title (Publication number). Recovered from
• Thesis: Author, A. (Year). Thesis title (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Place.
• Thesis (online format): Author, A. and Author, A. (Year). Thesis title (Bachelor's, Master's or PhD thesis). Retrieved from http: // www…
• Presentation in Congress: Author, A. (month, year). Title of the presentation. Work presented in ___________, Place.