The offer of technological tertiary education in MERCOSUR: contributions from a collaborative research project


  • Irma Briasco Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Patricia Viera Duarte Universidad de la República
  • Nancy Montes Organización de los Estados Iberoamericanos



Technical higher education; institutional models; trajectories.


This paper presents the elaboration process of the comparative study referred to the analysis of the
offer of tertiary education in MERCOSUR, framed in the NEIES 2018 call. The study was developed from
three work axes: (i) a characterization of the situation at a macro level of Higher Technological Education in
the countries participating in the project was carried out, through the analysis of available secondary sources,
in charge, (II) an approach at the micro level was proposed using the methodology of the case study, centered
on the models of institutional management of four selected technological institutes, (iii) which recognizes the
centrality of the personnel responsible for management, the training trajectories of the management teams of
the selected institutes were recovered. The study focused on the micro dimension, as a key element for quality
improvement, in the macro context of the construction of supranational public policies, taking MERCOSUR
as an area of cooperation and exchange. One of the highlights of the work is that researchers from Argentina,
Brazil, Chile and Uruguay participated in the preparation of the national cases selected and analyzed, and that
the work methodology was the result of a collective effort to integrate different perspectives and trajectories.


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How to Cite

Briasco, I., Viera Duarte , P., & Montes, N. . (2021). The offer of technological tertiary education in MERCOSUR: contributions from a collaborative research project. Integración Y Conocimiento, 10(2), 295–307.



Experiencias de trabajo académico y producción de conocimiento