Interculturalization of Higher Education, a strategy against racism


  • Marcia Mandepora Chundary Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno



Higher Education, Racism, Discrimination, Interculturalization.


Racism and discrimination are pending or absent topics in the academic scenarios of Higher
Education in Bolivia, they still seem to be taboo or frightening topics, which are simply not addressed. On
the other hand, interculturality is present in different processes of pedagogical reflection, at least, different
educational actors are beginning to pay attention to it as a transforming element of the educational reality.
However, this fact undermines the importance of racism and discrimination to be taken into account as a
priority in its treatment and development. Meanwhile, negative attitudes towards people of indigenous origin
are still in force, they seem to be part of everyday life and are legitimized with discriminatory behaviors and
attitudes, which in many cases are not even unveiled and denounced, much less are educational and
institutional actions promoted for the prevention and elimination of racism, despite the fact that Bolivia has
regulations in force against racism and all forms of discrimination. Although some universities organize
educational activities on interculturalism and the socialization of regulations on racism, no specific educational
actions are developed to identify forms of institutional racism and discrimination practiced by different
educational actors, mainly students and teachers, nor are there any strategies to address the issue in the
pedagogical processes. This article aims to contribute elements of reflection on the racist and discriminatory
attitudes present in Higher Education spaces, which in many cases are covered up or simply ignored as if they
were something "natural". The universities themselves do not contribute to the understanding of racism by
the educational actors for its adequate reflection.


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How to Cite

Mandepora Chundary, M. . (2021). Interculturalization of Higher Education, a strategy against racism. Integración Y Conocimiento, 10(2), 80–89.



Towards the eradication of racism in Higher Education: tensions and challenges