
  • Facundo Solanas Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (IIGG-UBA); Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMDP)



MERCOSUR; Profesionales; Estado


The purpose of this article is to analyze the contrast between the professional MERCOSUR project with the different obstacles and risks that political changes in the differents members states of the bloc imply for this sector. The complexity of the integration of the regional professional space is subject to and permeated by the various political swings that, added to the unilateral nature of the public policies of the various member states, far from encouraging integration, can cause irreversible damage in the professional spaces of other countries in the block. The strongly presidential nature of the MERCOSUR States, reinforced by the great existing economic and territorial asymmetries, tend to reinforce poorly articulated integration logics that tend to present strong risks for the inequalities existing in many of these countries. Based on the analysis of primary and secondary sources, such as in-depth interviews with officials, former officials, diplomats and representatives of professional organizations, and documentary sources, based on the Argentine case, we seek to account for the complexity and tensions that the convergence of professional spaces in MERCOSUR.


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How to Cite

Solanas, F. (2021). PROFESSIONAL MERCOSUR: FROM THE STATE TO THE MARKET?. Integración Y Conocimiento, 10(1), 13–31.



Dossier: "Higher Education and work: a complex link"