Extension at the National University of Cordoba: Working with the voice


  • Silvana Serra Prof. Dra. en Fonoaudiología. Directora de la Lic. en Fonoaudiología, Escuela de Fonoaudiología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Mariel Serra Prof. Licenciada en Fonoaudiología. Docente de la Licenciatura en Fonoaudiología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Lucía Méndez Licenciada en Fonoaudiología, Doctoranda en estudios de Género. Docente de la Escuela de Fonoaudiología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


health; voice; teaching; practices; extension


Speech therapy as a discipline allows us to provide spaces in the field of university extension that raise awareness, recover and develop the expectation of a work voice with greater possibilities, compared to the use of colloquial voice. To this end, workshops are implemented in the different academic units, bringing together possible strategies to improve the working conditions of university professors. Together with the production of knowledge focused on the territorial context of the experiences, and with an axis in communication, actions are developed in collaboration with the Occupational Health Program of the Association of University Teachers and Researchers of Córdoba (ADIUC).

This work describes the experience which focuses on the problem of occupational vocal health through the ADIUC Occupational Health Program, which targets university professors, who work using their voice on campus and in the high schools that depend on the University of Córdoba. The contexts are varied and challenging regarding a colloquial voice, which in many cases shows vocal symptoms.

“Working with the voice” links the School of Speech Therapy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNC, and ADIUC through outreach actions. This proposal is based on a device that has as a precedent the Specific Agreement between ADIUC and the School of Speech Therapy, Faculty of Medical Sciences (Resolution 4745/2019).


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