Ronda de Estudiantes. Dialogar y habitar el espacio en virtualidad


  • Marianela Moretti Departamento de Orientación Vocacional, Dirección de Inclusión Social (DIS), Secretaría de Asuntos Estudiantiles (SAE), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC).
  • Paula Sarachú Laje Departamento de Orientación Vocacional, DIS, SAE, UNC
  • Ana Carolina Nanzer Departamento de Orientación Vocacional, DIS, SAE, UNC


high school ; dialogue ; participation; online


The following text offers some reflections on the project Ronda de Estudiantes (Students’ Round Table) and its implementation online. The Students Round Table is coordinated by the department of Vocational Guidance of the Secretary of Student Affairs from the National University of Cordoba and has been carried out every year since 2018. Its aim is to discuss and exchange experiences between students from high school and university on the matter of enrolling on higher education. During the year 2020 we implemented this practice (which in the past was conducted face to face) online due to the pandemic. Based on this experience we asked ourselves: How did the virtual space work out? How did we introduce the university via the online modality since we couldn’t physically reach out to the schools any longer? How did we overcome anonymity? How did we listen to the different voices and experiences through a screen? How can we make use of digital tools to facilitate participation without also deepening the inequality in the access of it, be it due to the lack of material resources or the necessary digital literacy? We also wondered which actions we should continue proposing and how to implement them online in such a way that we can continue to understand the right to education the perspective of collective construction.


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