Jerarquizar la cooperación en pandemia: la potencia del trabajo colectivo


  • Carla Micele Directora de Cooperación – Universidad Nacional de Lanús
  • Claudia Gonzalez Asistente Dirección de Cooperación – Universidad Nacional de Lanús
  • Marcela Viñuela Coordinación Seguimiento de Casos de Vulnerabilidad Social programa “Jóvenes Líderes Comunitarios” – Universidad Nacional de Lanús
  • Beatriz Nogueira Asistente Dirección de Cooperación – Universidad Nacional de Lanús


University outreach ; Socio-community programs ; Inclusion


We have read numerous articles from different international organizations (World Health Organization, United Nations, Pan American Health Organization) among others that express their concern about the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has on people and the community, and have urged the States to adopt measures to protect life, the right to health and personal integrity in accordance with human rights standards, on the basis of preventing the spread of COVID-19. In this particular context of a health emergency, it is possible to make visible the deepening and reinforcement of inequalities in the most impoverished sectors of our society. The gap between access and exclusion is widening. From the team of the Cooperation Directorate (DCO), which depends on the Secretariat for Cooperation and Public Service (SCySP) of the National University of Lanús (UNLa), we challenge the ways of going through this pandemic situation and collectively ask ourselves about the new approaches of intervention and work afterwards. If we understand cooperation as an exchange among individuals, how can we work when physical contact is not at play provided that this was the basis and main way of working before the pandemic?


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