Coordinando desde la virtualidad: Proyecto “Apoyo Escolar Virtual”


  • Alfonsina Arias Licenciada en Psicología de la Facultad de Psicología (UNC). Ayudante alumna extensionista en el Programa Puntos de Extensión, SEU - UNC
  • Gabriela de La Salette Coria Estudiante avanzada de Licenciatura en Trabajo Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNC). Ayudante alumna extensionista en el Programa Puntos de Extensión, SEU - UNC.


extensión; virtual education; health emergency


This article describes the experience of student assistants from the National University of Córdoba, during the second semester of 2020, who worked as collaborators, together with student volunteers and graduates, in the general coordination of the Virtual School Support project organized by the program Puntos de Extensión. This project adapted human and technological resources as a result of the measures of social, preventive and compulsory isolation in order to bring these resources closer to one of the most affected areas, the educational system. The project was based on another similar one carried out in another non-university space for children and adolescents in Villa 31 in Buenos Aires. In Córdoba, the leaders of some neighborhoods, sports and community centers that function as nodal points were summoned due to their nexus with the community. These are Casa Macuca, Villa El Libertador, El Polito, Villa Boedo, Club Maipú, Club Belgrano and Escuela Madre María Tránsito. The article describes the difficulties of the virtual adaptation of the communication and flow of virtual support activities. This has repercussions on the perception of those who took part, as well as on the dynamics of the activity. Virtual school support presents advantages and disadvantages related to the preservation of the bond between the University and the community; as well as the social representations of those who participated in the activity.


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