«Chomaso que hablen x vos». Derechos Sexuales y (no) Reproductivos y juventudes cordobesas.


  • Rocío Bertoni Licenciada en Comunicación Social. Becaria SEU por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.
  • Rocío Isabel Foltz Licenciada en Psicología. Ex Becaria SEU por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.


collective health; youth; participation; rights


In this article, two consecutive community outreach experiences, developed as continuous projects, are presented. Both seek to consolidate the participation of young people of the school IPEM No. 416 of the neighborhood-city Ciudad de Mis Sueños in the exercise of sexual and non-reproductive rights (DSyNR). This, in turn, will serve as a starting point to think about collective health practices in the neighborhood. Therefore, two dimensions of work are developed. Based on the health context of ASPO (preventive and compulsory social isolation) and DISPO (preventive and mandatory social distancing) they are presented as a challenge for the 2021 Extension Project: maintaining bonds and managing young people's demands. At the same time, the results and impact generated from one year to the other are reported, strengthening the process of participation and importance of young people on issues that they face and constitute their subjectivities.


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