Tramas en torno al quichua: experiencia extensionista de acción glotopolítica


  • Petrona Elsa Trejo Facultad de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Argentina.
  • María Laura Alegre Facultad de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Argentina.


language policy ; quichua from Santiago del Estero ; glotopolitics ; sociolinguistic resistance ; alternative experiences


This outreach project was based on a series of virtual meetings called Tantay: “The Quichua today. Challenges and policies for its strengthening”,  carried out in 2020, and organized by teachers and students from Sociolinguistic and Language Policy subjects of the Technical Course of studies on Intercultural Bilingual Education about Quichua of the National University of Santiago del Estero. The aim was to make visible the policies adopted to revitalize the Quichua, ideologies of the speakers, its dissemination in cultural and educational fields in a context of pandemic and the possibilities to study it. To this end, narratives of resistance were addressed, the actions of language policy were promoted through community radios, and experiences of literary translation Spanish / Quichua, Quichua / Spanish developed by quichuistas scholars, together with teachers, teenagers and young people in rural secondary school were carried out. This room for exchange and reflection became the setting to challenge sociolinguistic representations held by exhibitors, moderators and the audience. Worldviews, biographies, representations about state politics around Quichua and experiences were revealed. The methodology used sought to approach the praxis from the glotopolitical perspective, making visible the political-linguistic interventions in educational, literary and communication instances with the community.


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