Mujeres Consentimiento: la grupalidad y lo colectivo en la emergencia


  • Zoé Aimé Boj Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales


groups ; isolation ; emergency ; community care


This article has the aim of providing reflections based on the outreach experience developed during the COVID-19 pandemic in the town of Unquillo, Córdoba. The work was done in the framework of the project "Mujeres CONsentimiento II: ensayos para una vida libre de violencias", which was carried out at the time when the national government decrees of "obligatory preventive social isolation" (OPSI) and later "obligatory preventive social distancing" (OPSD) were implemented and were in place from March 2020 to December due to the health emergency. The focus is on the scope of the OPSI and OPSD measures in the daily life of the population and the institutional functioning in general, and in particular in the territory where the intervention was implemented, leading to adjustments and revision of the original project. This article provides an account of the transformation of the project whose initial objectives were to reaffirm public space as a space for the expression of women from popular sectors and the strengthening of networks with community groups. Faced with a particular situation, containment strategies were developed that focused on accompanying reflective processes that would enable the building of cooperative relationships and generate solutions to emerging conflicts during the pandemic. Last, the focus was also on keeping the bonds with the network of local organisations and institutions that address the problem of violence.


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