Escuelas, Reservas Naturales y diálogos de saberes en Pandemia


  • Carolina Lemme Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Becaria SEU 2021
  • Pamela Tello Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Becaria SEU 2021.


Covid 19; methodological problems; university extension; schools; environmental education.


This article results from the challenges and issues that university extension practice is going through in this post-pandemic context. After our first approach to the school Juan Bautista Alberdi (Unquillo-Córdoba) through the extension project "Guardians of the Reserve"; we had to face the challenge of how to pursue extension in this context of social and health crisis, considering the new adaptation of the educational institutions. This project originates from the community demand to foster, through socio-educational actions, respect care and awareness of the importance of the natural environment where the school is located, the natural recreational water reserve called Reserva Hídrica Recreativa Natural Municipal Los Quebrachitos. In this sense, the objective of this article is to reflect on the methodological problem by considering two tensions that we have visualized during the first stage of the project. The first tension, linked to the lack of presence of the extensionists in the place; has been treated following two fundamental aspects: the continuity and recovery of the bonds forged in the place before the pandemic; and the potential of the school virtual tools. The second tension refers to the social inequality caused by the access to technology of the families of the educational community.


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