Derechos migrantes y educación intercultural: un desafío en plena pandemia


  • Cecilia Muse Facultad de Lenguas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Yassmin Mahmoud Facultad de Lenguas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Juan Diego Maldonado Escuela Experimental PROA. Córdoba. Argentina


Migrants’ rights; Intercultural Education; Secondary and University Level


“The National University of Cordoba (UNC) connects you to the world.  Migrant’s rights and Intercultural Education” is a university outreach project that promotes intercultural environments in secondary schools with the aim of recognizing migrants’ rights and fostering values that will allow students to enhance their view of the world. Due to the pandemic, this project had to be adjusted and be carried out remotely. This is why the local team developed its own web page to carry out a series of virtual instances, where migrant volunteers created interactive activities for the secondary students to experience cultural aspects about the different represented countries, to reflect upon the migrants’ rights and to get to know different realities and life stories to provide answers to be transmitted through the project's social networks.

University students from different nationalities, who were either studying at the National University of Cordoba or people who were migrants in our country, were chosen and trained as volunteers to create different materials. The local team supported them and provided them with a content guide, which was the result of group work supported by people from other entities, that is, it was created with an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach in order to share those contents through the web page.


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