Filosofía y educación: pensando otras infancias


  • Mónica Fornasari Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
  • Julieta Jaimez Escuela de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


Philosophy; childhoods; kindergarten; participatory action-research


Within the framework of the participatory action-research project “Creating worlds: asking, thinking, imagining with children in a space of Philosophy”, which has been proposed to the University Secretary of Outreach of the National University of Córdoba (2018/2019), we worked altogether with five-year old children from four municipal kindergartens of Córdoba city during four months. The main objective of the experience was to generate alternative collective learning spaces. Therefore, through various pedagogical devices, we proposed Philosophy as a tool for thinking childhoods and opening thinking horizons around different topics: Philosophy, the World and Children’s rights. Taking equality as a principle, we pondered collective work and the construction of this space as a way of encouraging active participation of all its members. This perspective turned out to be fundamental for the unfolding of the project’s grounding values: dialogue, cooperation and solidarity. The workshop’s dynamics made possible to question different points of view and to elaborate new answers around the topics the children were curious about. They asked questions, shared concerns, and unfolded their curiosity to discover new horizons as reflective subjects.


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