Construir un Diagnóstico Agroecológico Multidimensional. Un Gran Desafío para Extensionistas


  • Silvetti Felicitas Departamento de Desarrollo Rural de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Guillermo Ferrer Departamento de Desarrollo Rural de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


sociotechnical diagnosis, outreach, dialogical processes


In the central area of the province of Córdoba, an agroecological transition process has taken place in the vegetable production systems since 2009. For the outreach team which accompanies the process of horizontal dialogue, the collective construction capacity of a sociotechnical diagnosis represents a great challenge due to the multidimensionality involved in the agroecological approach. In this framework, we reflect on the difficulties in developing conceptual and methodological tools that question social practices and representations, both in the academic field and in the daily know-how, incorporating the conflicts of visions / interests that this involves. In addition, there exists the need for an institutional framework to guarantee the continuity and richness of the diagnosis, particularly when training undergraduates and future professionals.


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Discusiones conceptuales en torno a la extensión universitaria