Mapping extensionist practices in the Faculty of Social Sciences


  • Valeria Nicora National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Social Sciences. Teacher, researcher, extensionist in the career of Social Work
  • Mariana Gamboa National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Social Sciences. Teacher, researcher, extensionist in the career of Social Work


practice systematization; outreach projects; social sciences


This paper intends to share some of the results obtained after the systematization of outreach practices carried out by the School of Social Sciences (period 2016-2018) within the framework of the Programa de Fortalecimiento Institucional de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Institutional Strengthening Program from National University of Córdoba) (PROFOIN is the acronym in Spanish).

The “mapping” of the practices allows the highlighting of outreach experiences at the start of a new kind of institutional reality, considering the continuities with pre-existing projects and with unpublished work, which find expression in the current university context.

Initially, a first methodological design of the outreach experiences was defined: it entailed an exploratory nature and a quantitative approach. The analysis matrix that was created encompassed the theoretical and the ethical-political assumptions, in addition to the conceptions of the subjects and the methodological designs, which are aspects threaded into a dialogue of different sources of knowledge.

The information collected serves to account for those issues-problems of public interest that are present in the practices of the School.

The remaining work will revolve around the consolidation of a public university that enables collective projects, which, in turn, challenges knowledge and action matrices, and also raises questions about the living conditions of subaltern sectors, while promoting, in a broad sense, social justice.


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