Tecnocitizens: problematizing the relationship with social networks and digital consumption


  • Noelia Martina Maldonado National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Medical Sciences. J.M. Vanella Institute of Virology
  • Florencia Colombetti National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. Master in Technology, Politics and Cultures
  • María Florencia Reartes National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. Master in Technology, Politics and Cultures
  • Franco Paul Bonafé National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. CONICET
  • Rodrigo Quiroga National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. CONICET
  • Luis Reinaudi National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. CONICET
  • Agustín Berti National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Arts. Department of Film and TV CONICET


Digital citizenship; new technologies; technological mediation; social networks


The goal of the outreach activity presented in this article was to complement formal education regarding the many aspects inherent in the relationship between Technology and Society, particularly pertaining to the exercise of human rights in the context of technical mediation. Thus, we intended to introduce into the school context a discussion regarding the ethical, political, economic, social and cultural considerations of new media platforms. The activity was carried out in different educational institutions both in Córdoba city and other cities of the province of Córdoba, and was designed for high school students.

To achieve our goals, we designed a card game called (En)Red/Ad*s, which allowed us to involve young people in the construction of knowledge regarding new technologies and platforms. By playing (En)Red/Ad*s and, thus, positioning themselves as owners and designers of a social network/media platform, it was possible to create a space where young people can reflect on and problematize their daily use and consumption of digital technologies. The development of critical thinking and social commitment led to laying the foundations necessary for their taking an active and instrumental role as digital citizens.


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