Interactive exhibition on genetics at the Night of the Museums. The Argentine Gene


  • Macarena Lorena Herrera National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Department of Pharmacology. Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of Córdoba (IFEC-CONICET).
  • Alberto Leandro Oliveros National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Department of Pharmacology. Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of Córdoba (IFEC-CONICET).
  • Victoria Belén Occhieppo National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Department of Pharmacology. Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of Córdoba (IFEC-CONICET).
  • María Cecilia Perondi National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Department of Pharmacology. Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of Córdoba (IFEC-CONICET).
  • Andrea Otamendi National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Department of Pharmacology. Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of Córdoba (IFEC-CONICET).
  • Osvaldo Martín Basmadjian National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Department of Pharmacology. Institute of Experimental Pharmacology of Córdoba (IFEC-CONICET).
  • Natalia Andrea Marchese National University of Cordoba. Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Department of Biological Chemistry. CIQUIBIC-CONICET.


outreach; genetics; memory; DNA; articulation


This article describes an outreach activity that is carried out at the “Noche de los Museos Edición 2018” (Night of the Museums 2018 Edition) at the School of Chemical Sciences in the National Academy of Sciences of the Province of Córdoba. This activity is about the generalities of genetics and its importance and applications in everyday life. The interaction with different social actors and the approach to the content from different scientific areas, such as biology and chemistry, permitted learning about the concerns and the opinions which circulate in the community where we live. Since the twentieth century, scientific technology related to DNA and its applications has revolutionized our society, incorporating information and fixed expressions into people’s daily lives. In the present work, the evolution of the experience is outlined, including both the preparation of the different posts in the interactive exhibition and the final comments at the end of the activity. Finally, there is a section on the concluding remarks on the challenges that the articulation with the different fields of action entailed, mainly considering a biological angle, having into consideration its intimate relation with the social sciences.


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