The right to smile


  • Florencia A. Guzmán Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Cindy Dallegre Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Franco Morán Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Alicia Miranda Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Silvia López de Blanc Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Mirtha Gandolfo Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Rosana Morelatto Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


oral health, prevention, accessibility, communication, collective mapping


Considering the results of the diagnosis carried out through 2014/2015 jointly by: the community of the southwest area of Córdoba, the Stomatology service of Dentistry College and the Secretary of University Outreach of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, as part of the Extension Points Program, it was found that one of the main problems which affect the neighbors is the violation of the right to health. Facing the urge of the communities for an answer to their genuine demand, this project (2015,2016,2017) has been conceived and carried out as an integral and contextualized scheme of processes and actions that promotes the proper development and access to the right to health, with a particular emphasis on prevention and promotion of oral care. With the goal of gaining a better perspective on this and aiming to foster an exchange of knowledge that would result in the collaborate resolution of the problems of these communities, we encouraged meetings and collaborate work between people from Reno community, Marta Juana Gonzalez community and Parque Universidad community, students, graduates and professors of dentistry, psychology, medicine, social work, philosophy and humanities, architecture and social communication. An integral scheme implies that to be able to ensure a good response to the issues regarding healthcare, it becomes necessary to get these communities involved. In line with this, it is necessary to guarantee their right to take part in the project with full access to information, as a better way of finding, designing and execute these activities.


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