Coexistence and educational inclusion. Challenges in the face of a scenario of expanded rights


  • Florencia Caparelli National University of Córdoba - Argentina
  • Ayelén Zurbriggen National University of Córdoba - Argentina


young people, coexistence, inclusion, strategies, educators


In the present article, we describe the development a project that was carried out in a Provincial Institute of Technical Education (IPET) of the city of Córdoba, Argentina, which aimed at addressing the problem of school coexistence and inclusion in a context of political and institutional expansion of the right to education, reconfiguration of intergenerational relationships, and the right to an equal inclusion of differences. The proposal consisted in a university outreach project carried out from March to November of 2016, whose objective was to promote the socio-educational inclusion of young people and to re-elaborate strategies and projects with educators to strengthen their educational careers. The target population were two groups of first-year students, who attended morning classes, and one group of second-year students, who attended classes in the afternoon. To this end, participatory action research was incorporated as a coadjutant strategy to create activities that implied active participation at school and in the process of promoting coexistence, generating meeting spaces with adults. In order to do this, following a collaborative psychosocial approach, we carried out workshops to identify and address problems from a youth perspective.


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Author Biographies

Florencia Caparelli, National University of Córdoba - Argentina

National University of Córdoba - Argentina

Ayelén Zurbriggen, National University of Córdoba - Argentina

National University of Córdoba - Argentina


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