Audiovisual Productions among Students: Projecting from School


  • Satoshi Higa National University of Córdoba - Argentina
  • Guillermo Iparraguirre National University of Córdoba - Argentina
  • Carolina Nanzer National University of Córdoba - Argentina
  • Carolina Wild National University of Córdoba - Argentina


High Schools, UNC, Linkage, Audiovisual Production, Inclusion


The present article comprises some of the guidelines, questions and experiences on the realization of the proposal “Proyectando desde la Escuela” (Projecting from the School), whose main objective is to favor the linkage between public high schools and the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), by making possible that the students from the two levels meet and develop an audiovisual product together. This is a joint initiative of the Departamento de Orientación Vocacional (Vocational Orientation Department) of the Secretaría de Asuntos Estudiantiles (Students Affairs Department) and the Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación (School of Communication Sciences) - through Cátedra de Lenguaje III y Producción Audiovisual (Language III and Audiovisual Production Chair) and the Centro de Producción e Innovación en Comunicación (CePIC) (Production and Innovation in Communication Center) - of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). The university outreach project began in 2015 and continued without interruption until the end of 2017. During these three years of carrying out the project, what came to the fore is the students’ work capacity, both to run projects related to their possibility of continuing studying and to further their academic training.


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Author Biographies

Satoshi Higa, National University of Córdoba - Argentina

National University of Córdoba - Argentina

Guillermo Iparraguirre, National University of Córdoba - Argentina

National University of Córdoba - Argentina

Carolina Nanzer, National University of Córdoba - Argentina

National University of Córdoba - Argentina

Carolina Wild, National University of Córdoba - Argentina

National University of Córdoba - Argentina


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