The social commitment of the university in extension


  • Lucrecia Aboslaiman Facultad de Derecho. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina


social commitment; outreach; democracy; collective construction


The process of elevating the outreach function has introduced new and diverse challenges: within the university space, for instance, by navigating interdisciplinarity and the heterogeneity of approaches to outreach across disciplines; and outside the university, by defining effective ways to connect ourselves with the community to which the university belongs and from which it derives its purpose. Rinesi underscores the university’s social commitment, emphasizing the transformative interaction between university and society, starting from the conception of higher education as a human right, and a public and social good. The State must sustain public policies over time that are consolidated, updated, and responsive to their context, fostering a more democratic construction of knowledge, power, and democracy. Social, legal and political structures should respond to collective demands, reflecting the university’s social commitment in the collective construction of the response to social demands. As an institution, the university is an integral part of society with the same hierarchy, which must be experienced and realized so as not to continue experiencing a conservative model that considers outreach as a charitable function.


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Discusiones conceptuales en torno a la extensión universitaria