Thinking politics from the experiences in Children's Centers


  • Cintia Weckesser CONICET. Universidad Provincial de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Verónica Ávila Universidad Provincial de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Lucía de Mingo Secretaría de Coordinación y Fortalecimiento Familiar, Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano, del Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba. Argentina
  • María Eugenia López Universidad Provincial de Córdoba. Argentina


early childhood ; discourses ; responsible adults ; cultural policies


In this article, we analyze the discourses of the adults in charge of the Direct Management Children's Centers in the city of Córdoba in order to problematize the cultural experiences offered to early childhood in these environments. Our approach to the discourses draws upon contributions from the theory of enunciation, Ethosemiotics and Psychomotricity, among the main readings. The final reflections present considerations to work on the strengthening of this public policy.


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