Migrant trajectories and Podcast. Extension experience in Tierra del Fuego


  • Franco Zacobich Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado (ICSE). Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego. Argentina
  • Luciana Nikels Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado (ICSE). Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego. Argentina


podcast; extension experience; communication; digital technologies


In this work we reflect on our experience in the production of the podcast “Radio Migrante” within the framework of the Community Outreach Project, “Migrant Narratives” in the period May 2022-May 2023 in Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego). First, we will describe the context against which this project emerged, the stated objectives, the activities, the characteristics and the search for a narrative. Next, we will present the production experiences that built the aesthetics based on the reflection of the dynamics that arose. To this end, we considered the notion of new narratives, storytelling, digitalization, new media, as well as the new forms of citizen participation that operated in the general framework of the proposal as democratization of communication.


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