Democratic governments and state organizations: a dyad of change


  • María Eugenia Barrionuevo Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Paula Stefani Corbacho Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina.
  • Viviana Jara Roldán Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Valentina Nuccelli Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
  • Agustina Ravalli Yenaropulos Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina


quality of life; innovation; change; state organization


This article presents some reflections on the work carried out by a team of psychologists specialized in work and organizations in the "Service in Innovation, Sustainability and Quality of Life in Organizations". The analysis focuses on a particular intervention which began in November 2021. The case allows us to explain the impact that a change of democratic government has on a state organization, which interfered with the outreach experience and led to its abrupt termination. In the process of decision making, two opportunities were identified: on the one hand, the opportunity to systematize an intervention that concluded suddenly, with the future of democracy as its context and text simultaneously; on the other hand, the possibility to provide a conceptual framework for the actions that were carried out in response to the demands for the transfer of specific technical knowledge. To this end, the development focuses on three organizing axes: i) organizational culture and the associated health and discomfort processes, ii) operating discourses, and iii) organizational changes. Lastly, some final reflections are presented in order to link democracy with the management of state organizations and the health of their workers in the framework of the outreach experience.


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