The St. Louis Pride Archive as an Outreach Project (2023)


  • Nicolás Domínguez Archivo del Orgullo San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina
  • Cristian Reveco Chilla Archivo del Orgullo San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina
  • Natalia Reyes Archivo del Orgullo San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina
  • Eric Verón Archivo del Orgullo San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Argentina


queer memories; university extension; identity politics; democracy


This paper reports the experience of the relationship established between the San Luis Pride Archive (AOSL) and the National University of San Luis (UNSL) of the basis of the development of the Social Interest Extension Project entitled "Conservation, Enrichment and Dissemination of the San Luis Pride Archive" in the 2023 call.
The axis that articulates the report of this experience is the analysis of the relationship between university extension and the work that involve recovery of sexual dissidence memories in the current moment of the democratization processes. This work is contextualized in the city of San Luis (Province of San Luis) during the year 2023.
The present work considers the following moments: The construction of the memory of sexual disobedience in the current moment of the relationship between democracy and sexual dissidence movements, the place of San Luis Pride Archive in this scenario, and the conceptions about university extension that collaborate to sustain the sense of the public. Subsequently, we will present the problematic situation, objectives and strategies of the PEIS. Finally, we offer the analysis and reflections on the results and scope of this experience


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