Coexistence and Diversity. School events as a transformation of everyday life


  • Luciana Schneider Prof. Asistente de Psicología Educacional. Facultad de Psicología . Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
  • Carla Falavigna Profesora Asistente Psicología Educacional. Facultad de Psicología. Profesora Titular de Psicología Educacional. Facultad de Lenguas . Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Natalia Bonansea Profesora Asistente de Psicología Educacional. Facultad de Psicología . Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Erika Vacchieri Profesora Asistente Psicología Educacional. Facultad de Psicología . Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


school; memory; participation; diversities; coexistence


This article describes an outreach experience (supported by the National University of Córdoba) in two rural schools (one was a primary school and the other one was a high school) in a town in the Sierras Chicas region of Córdoba province. It was carried out during 2018 to commemorate the centenary of the University Reform and the 41st anniversary of an uninterrupted period of democracy. We reaffirm the contribution to the development of responsible citizenship and the exercise of the right to quality education. This experience was carried out collaboratively by teams of teachers, students, Outreach Secretariats from two Schools (Psychology and Languages, UNC), and members of the educational community. Our goal was to work on coexistence and diversity by co-producing, with the entire educational community, the school event for the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity, during 2019 and 2020. We aimed to address the process of creating that event, drawing upon previous discussions about differences and diversities, which resulted in the production and presentation of the corresponding school rituals for those years. In 2020, the conditions of virtual education required the reinvention of the ritual in these schools. Thus, this proposal became a socio-educational mechanism to support educational institutions in Córdoba province, which was built through exchange of knowledge.


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