Migrant knowledge before the outdoor shelter

Dossier Intemperie: políticas de la voluntad y poéticas del cobijo


  • Robert Mckee Irwin Departamento de Español y Portugués, Universidad de California
  • María José Gutiérrez Departamento de Español y Portugués, Universidad de California


Migration, Shelter, Outdoors, Refugees


The migration that today moves along the routes extending from Central America to the United States. and other precarious migrant trails across the Americas. generally represents a pursuit of refuge for those who unable to find adequate protections from the insecurities of their homeland. Contemporary processes of migration, that may go on unresolved for years, for these migrants likewise imply a prolonged exposure to the dangers of unsheltered spaces, and the dream of asylum (whether legal or informal) becomes virtually unreachable. People are expelled from their countries of origin and made into migrants, who later are subjected to exclusions or deportations from the countries in which they aspire to settle. Notions of refuge, cover, and asylum become nearly synonymous with vulnerability, neglect, and disregard. For contemporary migrants, lack of shelter is an ubiquitous condition, and migration has assumed an inevitable and perhaps perpetual attribute of precarity. This scenario leads to situations that seem illogical, in which migrants themselves choose to remain unsheltered, but that may also reflect the rationality of social actors whose agency must be interpreted via the precarities of their lives and the volatilities of their surroundings. In their testimonial narratives, migrants can be observed accommodating themselves to the extreme conditions of being left unsheltered out of need, but at other times it seems that where the autonomy of migration is best affirmed is in the shelter of the open air.


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Author Biographies

Robert Mckee Irwin, Departamento de Español y Portugués, Universidad de California

Robert McKee Irwin es Profesor en el Departamento de Español y Portugués de la Universidad de California / Davis (Estados Unidos), donde también es Subdirector del Global Migration Center. Obtuvo su PhD en Literatura Comparada en la Universidad de Nueva York. Sus investigaciones tratan temas de migración y fronteras, masculinidades, y la historia cultural mexicana y mexicano-americana. Desde 2016, es Investigador Principal del proyecto Humanizando la deportación

María José Gutiérrez, Departamento de Español y Portugués, Universidad de California

María José Gutiérrez es candidata para el PhD en Literaturas y Culturas Latinoamericanas con un énfasis designado en Teoría Feminista en la Universidad de California / Davis (Estados Unidos). Es integrante del colectivo Corredores Migratorios, donde ha publicado y colaborado con la Escuela Popular en Derechos para la Movilidad Humana. Sus áreas de interés son la migración ecuatoriana, los afectos, el género, y las humanidades digitales. Desde 2018 ha participado en el grupo de investigación Humanizando la deportación.


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How to Cite

Irwin, R. M., & Gutiérrez, M. J. (2023). Migrant knowledge before the outdoor shelter: Dossier Intemperie: políticas de la voluntad y poéticas del cobijo . Etcétera. Revista Del Área De Ciencias Sociales Del CIFFyH, (12). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/etcetera/article/view/41917


