“I threw up because I was nervous and said I'm a fag”: reflections on the affective economy of disgust



disgust, homophobia, agency, affective economy


In 2022, musician Marilina Bertoldi gave an interview where she is asked about Sunchales, the town in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, where she grew up. Then, in a comment about her lesbian childhood, Bertoldi relates: “The day I realized it, I threw up because I was nervous and said I'm and said I am a fag”. In this paper, we will examine some fragments of that interview in order to investigate particularly the homophobic disgust directed at oneself. We will be interested in problematizing the consequences of thinking disgust as a mere involuntary reaction of the body, a “natural” visceral response, completely disconnected from everything, immediate. Following theorizations on the cultural, social and political dimensions of disgust, we will give an account of how viscerality, implied in moral judgments that use the dialect of disgust, gives them an appearance of truth and neutrality that ends up naturalizing the cisheterosexual matrix. At the same time, it leaves homosexuality on the side of the disgusting, the unnatural, giving rise -not infrequently- to its pathologization, criminalization and prohibition from the public space. We will ask ourselves, then, how does someone come to feel disgust at his or her desire to deviate from heterosexuality, what affective ambivalence does disgust have, what agency is possible from this profoundly conflictive experience? We will try to expose, relying on Sara Ahmed, the affective economy of disgust and the ways in which disgust operates as a heterosexualizing device within a cisheterosexist affective configuration.


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Author Biography

  • Yael Valentina Yona, University of Buenos Aires

    Profesora de Enseñanza Media y Superior en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es integrante del seminario de Género, Afectos y Política (SEGAP). Actualmente, realiza el Doctorado en Filosofía en el Instituto de Filosofía Dr. Alejandro Korn de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA, con la financiación de una beca doctoral otorgada por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas. Sus temas de investigación giran en torno a la performatividad de los “afectos negativos” y los modos de agenciamiento que habilitan.


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How to Cite

“I threw up because I was nervous and said I’m a fag”: reflections on the affective economy of disgust. (2024). Etcétera. Revista Del Área De Ciencias Sociales Del CIFFyH, 15. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/etcetera/article/view/47530