Prevención de daños derivados de medidas cautelares. Medidas Anticautelares.

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Lidia María del M. Cornavaca


In this work we intend to analyze the preventive function of damage law, in the field of precautionary measures. Thus, first, the basic notions related to the preventive function of tort law are provided. A review of the substantial inhibitory protection is made, to which end, the content and scope of the duty of prevention and preventive action are examined. Then, a brief reference is made to inhibitory procedural protection. At this point, we reflect on the possibility of preventing damages derived from precautionary measures. From there, we enter fully into the study of anti-precautionary measures, as procedural mechanisms aimed at preventing certain damages derived from the obstruction of precautionary measures. Next, we delve deeper into the concept, nature and typologies. Subsequently, the existing regulations in the country are analyzed, and finally, an analysis of the relevant jurisprudence is carried out.

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Doctrina Nacional

Author Biography

Lidia María del M. Cornavaca, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Abogada (UNC). Escribana.(UES21). Magister en derecho procesal (UES21). Maestranda en Derecho Civil Patrimonial (UNC). Profesora invitada de Grado (UNC) y Posgrado (UCC). Investigadora (UES21). Adscripta en Derecho Privado VII y Teoría General del Proceso (UNC). Asistente de magistrado  en la Cam. Civ. y Com. 2° Nom. Cba.

How to Cite

Prevención de daños derivados de medidas cautelares. Medidas Anticautelares. (2025). Estudios Del Centro, 2(3), 129-159.


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