Statistical engineering applied to a hearing conservation and promotion programme.
pensamiento Estadístico, ingeniería estadística, salud auditiva, hipoacusia, método científico, bioestadísticaAbstract
Statistical Engineering is defined as “a discipline dedicated to the art and science of solving complex problems that require data and data analysis”. It focuses on the study of the systematic integration of statistical concepts, methods and tools, often with other relevant disciplines, to solve complex and often unstructured problems. The International Statistical Engineering Association (ISEA) proposes a global methodology based on the scientific method and the use of statistical thinking to address this type of problem in different phases. In this article, a case of application of Statistical Engineering to the problem related to the hearing health of adolescents is described. Specifically, the research aimed to find a scientific answer to the high percentage of young people rejected for employment in Argentina due to hearing disorders, without clinical justification. This problem gave rise to a multidisciplinary and multi-institutional program that needed to be approached from different areas, including audiological, psychosocial, acoustic, genetic and statistical aspects. The strategies and techniques carried out for the analysis of the collected data are highlighted, which allowed establishing an educational intervention campaign to make young people aware of the harmful effects of noise on hearing.
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