The Fibonacci sequence and energy efficiency mechanisms: towards rational and efficient energy use at the macroscopic level


  • Maximiliano F. Camarda Comisión de Eficiencia Energética del Comité de Energías Córdoba (CEC). Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad (CIECS) – (CONICET- UNC). Córdoba, Argentina.


fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, energy ratio elasticity, energy efficiency, energy intensity elasticity, sustainable economic development


  The exacerbated emissions of atmospheric carbon, product of more than a century of anthropogenic activities, have allowed humanity and several other species in the planet to navigate aimlessly in a huge ocean of climate crisis.

 The development of new scientific paradigms, the consolidation of new climate governance systems and the implementation of innovative energy management systems is not only a significant need but also a priority for sovereign States on all continents.

 In this work, a brief review is presented of the scientific discoveries of the last decades that have incorporated the Fibonacci number sequence at the microscopic level, with important results at the technological, energy and environmental level.

In this sense, if energy, as many other elements on the universe, has a behavioral structure compatible with the F numbers, we should start talking about concepts such as the Fibonacci space-time-energy dimension.

The design of energy efficiency mechanisms based on the Fibonacci sequence constitutes a challenge on a macroscopic scale that would allow improving energy, economic and natural resources management, thus cooperating with the reduction of energy intensity and atmospheric carbon emissions.


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How to Cite

The Fibonacci sequence and energy efficiency mechanisms: towards rational and efficient energy use at the macroscopic level. (2021). Revista De La Escuela De Perfeccionamiento En Investigación Operativa, 29(50).