Análisis de los efectos de la existencia de autocorrelación sobre la gráfica c de control de atributos utilizando el modelo inar(1)
statistical process control, C-chart, time series, autocorrelation, INAR(1) modelAbstract
The central aim of this paper is to analyze the implications of the existence of autocorrelation in the c-chart for attributes control. In order to this, the strategy adopted is to generate data with similar distribution to Poisson distribution but introducing autocorrelation, which is performed using an integer autoregressive model of order one (INAR (1)). Then, the simulated data is used to analyze the performance of the above-mentioned graph, finding that its capacity to detect changes in the process mean is not affected.
Finally, we propose a runs rule to detect out of control proceses due to changes in the autocorrelation and we analyze its performance using simulation techniques.
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