Sigillographic science and its contribution to the diplomatic study of documents


  • Nancy E. Juncos Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Diplomática, Documentación, Sello, Sigilografía, Validación


Sigillography, nowadays, has the rank of scientific-technical discipline of historical-cultural, artistic, legal-diplomatic and archival-library type and is essential for some historical research, because of its method, field and content, but especially for the complementary contribution it provides to the Historiographic Sciences and Techniques. This article deals with the study of seals and their importance in the "validatio" and "autenticatio", to determine the authenticity of diplomas.


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How to Cite

Juncos, N. E. (2008). Sigillographic science and its contribution to the diplomatic study of documents. Cuadernos De Historia. Serie Economía Y Sociedad, (10), 157–171.


