Municipal spaces and conservative liberalism in Mexico and Argentina. A comparative essay based on legislation, 1876 - 1912


  • Javier Moyano Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Municipal Spaces, Conservative, Liberalism, Legislation


Between the decades of 1870 and 1880, in Mexico as well as in Argentina the compromises which were reached between the ruling groups put an end to many years of political instability. Besides, these compromises allowed the

articulation of alliances that made possible to maintain the power structures until the second decade of the 20th century, to install a stable order, and to accelerate the process of state organization. The appearance of an intellectual current that was especially concerned with the problem of order contributed to this process by proposing formulas which mediated between the principles of order and liberty. This current recovered the liberal heritage but also it defended the instauration of strong governments. This theoretical elaboration had consequences both in the field of predominant ideas, and in that of legislation which aimed to achieve a balance between both principles.

Municipal spaces were affected by this process. In the case of Mexico, the municipalities were in charge of the organization of local and general elections, which is a sign of the importance that they had. Besides, if we consider that tensions at the local level were one of the main causes of Mexican revolution, and that in several Argentina provinces the crisis of the oligarchic regime were accompanied by some intense political conflicts, it takes relevance to analyze the acctions of municipal organization during the Porfiriato and the conservative order (1880-1916) in Argentina.

This paper intends to analyze, on the basis of legislation, two problems regarding this broad topic. On one side, the relationships between state or provincial governments and municipal administrations. On the other side, the levels of participation in the municipalities.


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How to Cite

Moyano, J. (2006). Municipal spaces and conservative liberalism in Mexico and Argentina. A comparative essay based on legislation, 1876 - 1912. Cuadernos De Historia. Serie Economía Y Sociedad, (8), 43–71.


