The contribution of Flecha magazine to the emergence of an antifascist culture in Córdoba
Antifascism, Flecha Magazine, Liberal traditionAbstract
In this article we analyze some of the main thematic axes and topics developed in the Flecha review, directed by the Cordoba reformist leader Deodoro Roca, and emerged as a press organ of the Committee for Peace and Freedom of America formed in Córdoba in 1935. A Through the analysis of its 17 editions, we will try to demonstrate how, from its pages, Flecha contributed to delineating, at the local level, some of the main thematic and discursive axes that would characterize the periodical press of Argentine antifascism since the mid-1930s, such as the representation of the criollo fascist, the defense of Western culture, the proposal of the anti-fascist popular front and the intersection between the liberal tradition and socialism.
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