Gonzalo Bulnes and his Guerra del Pacífico (1911-1919): historiography, nationalism and public uses of the past in Chile


  • Gabriel Cid Universidad San Sebastian




Gonzalo Bulnes, War of the Pacific, Historiography, Nationalism


This article examines the work of the historian Gonzalo Bulnes, Guerra del PacíficoWar of the Pacific— (1911-1919) and the nationalist uses of the past at the beginning of the 20th century. Through an analysis of the context of production and circulation of the text, the impact of the book on public opinion, the political and diplomatic uses to which the work was subjected, and how Guerra del Pacifico and his argument became an important element for the nationalist discourse that conceptualized the conflict of 1879 as the height of national greatness as opposed to the decadence of the present.


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How to Cite

Gonzalo Bulnes and his Guerra del Pacífico (1911-1919): historiography, nationalism and public uses of the past in Chile. (2021). Cuadernos De Historia. Serie Economía Y Sociedad, 26/27, 209240. https://doi.org/10.53872/2422.7544.n26/27.33559