Passion for Youth: Reforma Universitaria and the Emergence of Latin American Literature


  • Fernando Degiovanni The Graduate Center, City University of New York



Latin Americanism – APRA – Luis Alberto Sánchez


This article analyses the role that the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (APRA), and especially the cultural activity of the APRA exiles, played in the emergence of a Latin American literary movement inspired by the ideals of the Reforma Universitaria. In particular, it explores the influence of the Peruvian critic Luis Alberto Sánchez, responsible for the APRA's propagandistic work abroad and author of the first Latin American literary history published in Spanish, in the articulation of the discipline in the first half of the 20th century. His History of American Literature (1937) will not only question the Latin Americanist project outlined by Pedro Henríquez Ureña in the 1920s, but will also promote a vitalist and militant approach to it, anchored in the reading that Aprismo made of the Reform's legacy.


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How to Cite

Passion for Youth: Reforma Universitaria and the Emergence of Latin American Literature. (2019). Cuadernos De Historia. Serie Economía Y Sociedad, 21, 53-75.