Eradicating structural discrimination in the America region: a possible and desirable objective


  • Roxana del Valle Foglia FD - UNC


non-discrimination, equality, rights, dignity, inclusion


Discriminatory practices still persist within societies, despite the notable progress in the protection of human rights promoted, legally, by International Conventions and Treaties and mechanisms created, as a guarantee of their compliance.

The States have the duty to guarantee the rights of all people, based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination, they must take positive – affirmative – actions to eradicate such practices and implement, within reasonable periods, progams for education and training in human rights of state officials and extend them to educational systems at all levels.

Author Biography

  • Roxana del Valle Foglia, FD - UNC

    Magister en derecho procesal. Profesora en Derecho Procesal Constitucional, en Procesos Colectivos Constitucionales, en Derecho Constitucional -Facultad Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba-. Observadora electoral internacional. Autora de diversas publicaciones jurídicas. Integrante de comisiones evaluadora de revistas (nacional e internacional). Docente investigadora CIJS. Diplomada en género. Especialista en Justicia Constitucional (Universitá Di Pisa). Diplomada en Pueblos Migrantes. Especialista en Abogacía del Estado. Diplomada en Derecho Municipal.






Derecho Internacional - Relaciones Internacionales

How to Cite

Eradicating structural discrimination in the America region: a possible and desirable objective. (2022). Anuario Del Centro De Investigaciones Jurídicas Y Sociales, XX, 278-292.