The fundamentals of the political questions

An analysis from constitutional theory and practice


  • Matías Pedernera Allende FD - UNC / UCC


Political questions, Judicial review, Supreme Court, Constitutional supremacy


Constitutional practice has coined a doctrine that supposes admitting that there are issues that are exempt from judicial control. Such is the doctrine of the so-called political questions. This type of matter would be excluded from judicial review precisely because of the intrinsically political nature of the matters, with respect to which the Judicial Power would not be competent. This doctrine is controversial from various points of view. On the one hand, because its admission could mean a certain “resignation” to constitutional supremacy on certain issues. On the other hand, because in practice it has not been clear how many and what these issues are. At the same time, it is even controversial what is the basis of non-justiciable political issues. In this work, an attempt will be made to identify and systematize the possible foundations that doctrinally and jurisprudence have been offered to support the doctrine of political questions.

Author Biography

  • Matías Pedernera Allende, FD - UNC / UCC

    Abogado (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Doctorando en Derecho (UNC). Máster in Global Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy (Università degli studi di Genova/Universitat de Girona). Magíster en Derecho y Argumentación (UNC). Diplomado en Derechos Humanos (Universidad Austral). Profesor de Derecho Constitucional (UNC). Profesor adscripto de Filosofía del Derecho (UNC/UCC).


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Derecho Público y Análisis de Políticas Públicas

How to Cite

The fundamentals of the political questions: An analysis from constitutional theory and practice. (2022). Anuario Del Centro De Investigaciones Jurídicas Y Sociales, XX, 153-167.