The São Paulo Railway (SPR) and the industrialization of the city of São Paulo


  • Palmira Petratti Teixeira Universidade do Grande ABC Universidade Estadual Paulista



To study the São Paulo Railway company's history becomes a very interesting theme, related to the economic and social changes which ocurred in São Paulo state since the mid 19th century. To the coffee-railwaly bynomiun, one can add the urbanization and industrialization processes, the end of slaverism and the republic's born too. This railroad, called also as "Santo a Jundiai Railway" or "A Inglesa" (The English), expressed the consolidation of capitalism in S. Paulo state, due to dramatic changes that its construction determined in the S. Paulo city urban aspects.


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Author Biography

Palmira Petratti Teixeira, Universidade do Grande ABC Universidade Estadual Paulista


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How to Cite

Petratti Teixeira, P. (2003). The São Paulo Railway (SPR) and the industrialization of the city of São Paulo. Anuario Del Centro De Estudios Históricos Profesor Carlos S. A. Segreti, (2-3), 125–134.


